Welcome to Creative Children of Promise Academy Inc. 

Welcoming children of all ages

Choose your program

Providing quality Christian childcare, kindergarten and summer camp since 2013

Infant/ Toddler Care

6 weeks to 18 months

Private Kindergarten

 5 to 6 years 


18 mo -  2 1/2 . to 5  years 

Summer Camp 

2 1/2 to12 years 

Our Christian School

We believe that every child is special  and created by God!
We believe that every student is an individual and no two children learn the same. Children learn best when they are actively engaged,through hands on activities and academics. This gives children the opportunities to make sense of and develop an understanding of the growing world around them. We keep class ratios small assuring that every child receives the individual attention they deserve. Every child will have an individual lesson plan created to assure social, emotional and academic success . 

21-st century care

Children of all ages need to be challenged to grow. Our academic and creative programs support the learning of basic academics and visual arts. Early academics assures future academic success. The introduction to the creative arts assures that the child can tap into the creativity of  a creative world, created by a creative God.  

Why parents choose us

Parents choose us because we are flexible. We are here to make your already hectic life easier. If we can help with scholarships, flexible days and times we will. Our flexible pay options such as credit, debit, direct pay, or checks has been a blessing to our parents.  

Timber Cox  recommends Creative Children of Promise Academy.

April 17, 2019 · 

Best decision I have ever made as a mother was putting my daughter into this school! She has excelled tremendously over the past year and half not only academically but her personality has grown as well. Amazing teachers who truly care about our children. What more can we ask for as parents? Contact us today!

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